Foundation XV Members 2024/25

What is the Foundation XV?
The Foundation XV is a collective of companies that have pledged their support to the Exeter Chiefs Foundation by agreeing to raise and donate in excess of £2,000 in any given season.
This money is then pledged by the Foundation to projects and organisations in and around the city to promote future prosperity into Exeter and the surrounding areas.
What we would like from you...
Support, support, support!
We would be very grateful if you were to be able to assist us in promoting events and upcoming fundraising opportunities. Whether attending the event, helping us get the word out with social media or just telling people about the Foundation and the work we do – we would really like your help in spreading the word...
...and, of course, your pledge is of the utmost importance to us. Not only does the money assist us with the vital fundraising for local projects and charities, but the corporate support allows us to showcase the Exeter Chiefs Foundation and the work we do.
What you can expect from us
There are many benefits to joining the Foundation as one of our Foundation XV members. For your information, the main benefits to yourselves are shown below:-
- The use of the Exeter Chiefs Foundation Logo on your website and promotional material.
- Formal Recognition for your business at the Foundation Presentation dinner and any other Foundation events where this opportunity arises
- Web link and pen portrait of your business on a dedicated page of the Foundation website
- An invitation to all Exeter Chiefs organised business networking event
- Promote your events through the Exeter Chiefs Foundation Website
- 2 for 1 tickets at selected home cup matches
- Showcase yourselves as a member of the Foundation XV in the Chiefs match day programmes on a dedicated Foundation page.
- 2 free tickets to any event organised by the Exeter Chiefs or Sandy Park where the Exeter Chiefs Foundation is the main beneficiary provided you take a table of 10.
- Permanent display of logo on the Foundation XV banners and promotional material for the season.
- Big screen recognition of support for team members at all Chiefs home matches.
- Photo opportunity with the Chief’s player(s)