Become one of our Designated Charities for next season!
Would you like to become one of our Designated Charities for the 18/19 season?
Every season the Exeter Foundation opens up its application process for local charities and organisations to apply to join us next season and become one of our Designated charities.
Each season we have between 18 - 20 organisations (dependant on how many definite home games that Exeter Chiefs have confirmed) that each get allocated a game to collect at across the season. Currently there are 20 charities and organisations that are based within the wider Exeter area that assist in co-ordinating and collecting all the monies on the match days for the current season which are then shared across all those who assisted in the collections. These funds are labelled as 'designated funds' and are ring fenced specifically for these organisations. All designated funds are distributed at the start of the following season at the Season Launch Dinner which is usually held in early September.
To apply to become a designated charity for the 2018/19 season, please complete and return the form below and return to by Friday the 18th of May 2018.